Friday, September 25, 2009

A Whole New Country, A Whole New Commitment To Blogging

Okay, I have been BAD about this. But that's about to change... In my first 48 hours in Greece I have managed to obtain a loving over-the-top-I-want-to-mama-you-landlady, have a taxi driver become "my" driver, and make a fruit tart explode in the middle of a group of my new colleagues and a very important person. I guess I'm not in Germany anymore.

So, I'm still trying to finalize where I am going to live... I've been assigned a gorgeous pimp my life apartment, but it is in the suburbs up a very long hill from the closest metro. So, I am going to a colleague's place in the city Monday to see about trading. It won't be three bedrooms with a gorgeous view of the whole city down to the Port of Pireaus and long windy balconies, but it will be walkable to everywhere. Hmmm...

But I am committing myself to writing more for all 12 of my followers :)

I took a few pics of my first glimpses of the mainland from the airplane. And one of me with a scary huge grin upon my first views. Photogenic does not begin to describe all that I see around me.

I am certain very down the rabbit hole adventures are just around the corner.


Anna P. said...

I'm so excited to see the pictures! Would be a hard place to leave! So glad to hear all is going well and very excited to hear more about your adventures! Love you,
Bill and Anna

Berbs33 said...

I am glad you are back to blogging! Can't wait to see some pictures, I am so jealoous.... maybe we can come visit you!!

Lola Takes Pictures said...

You're too funny. Yeah, sometimes what you see doesn't translate well onto pixel. Keep those pics coming though.

Mandy Murphy said...

It just came to my attention that you are blogging! Looking forward to following your exploits...