Monday, November 17, 2008

Daisy, Daisy...

So, upon arriving in Bonn, my mission was to find a bike. I had these fantasies of living in my bikeable small city, with a basket on front perhaps filled by a bag of greens, with flowers and a baguette sticking out. Perhaps a cute little floppy haired dog barking with a smile next to it. But reality usually works out a little differently. There may be no little dog or bag of greens, but fate didn’t hand me just any bike. She gave me Daisy. Named after a song I was sung as a child. Somewhere along the lines of a guy singing to his lover named "Daisy" hoping she’ll give him her hand in marriage, even though he can’t afford a carraige, cause she’ll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two. Don’t get too excited, my Daisy is not a tandem. She’s a not-so-gently used purply-pink three speed with handles like my first bike had. Except, I am somehow only able to use one speed. I have a little bell to annoy people with, and even a pedal brake! The basket had to go on back, so any extra riders have to go on the handlebars (yeah, right) The dim little light that satisfies the bare minimum requirement of German law, is powered by my peddling. Sadly, the little red plastic casing on the back light has been stolen. Or knocked off. I have to admit I was very sad. Because despite her less than elegant facade, Daisy gets me where I need to go- day or night, rain or shine. And there’s plenty of rain. Although I don’t really feel like a glamorous international journalist on my three (!) speed in a downpour, it’s okay, Daisy is in it with me.

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